APRIL 8TH, 2009

In the grand tradition of Sesame Street, here are two discongruitous objects–now, can you guess which one doesn’t belong?  The tricky answer is that, in fact, both images have a connection to agriculture!  First, we have the majestic “Science Hall” on the lovely campus of the University of Madison, Wisconsin.  Therein toil my academic heroes, who I chillaxed with last week while deciding if the graduate path they generously offered me was the road I wanted to hoof this coming fall.  Next, a charming image of the packaged meat in the Milwaukee train station, where my vegetarian mama and I hung out for an afternoon and shot the breeze about aforementioned life path.   I was pleased to find that despite its culinary drawbacks, the Midwest maintains great beauty through its freezing springtime: hundreds of warblers were making their migrational pit stop along the two lakes shoring up Madison’s city center.