JUNE 27TH, 2009

Senposi (sen-poe-sigh), a Japanese, collard-greens-like leaf, has a new incarnation as a tortilla today.  After cooking up some curried rice with currants, heavy with cinnamon and a touch of linden honey from the Greenmarket, I set about de-stemming the thickest parts of the senposi, wrapping it up like a birthday package.  Set three of ’em in a standard bamboo steamer over a pan of cooking hot water, and within five minutes, you’ve got yourself a tender taste of delicious.  These were accompanied by a spring herbs yogurt dressing, made simply by chopping in dill, chives, and parsley.   You can find senposi at Evolutionary Organics in Union Square’s Wednesday farmers’ market, or you can grow you own.  The time to plant the seeds is now; the time to sow the transplants will come as the sun starts to settle back a little in the fall.  Like its cousin, cabbage, senposi will sweeten with the cold, and bolt (produce flowers) if you try to grow it during the summertime.